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Through this notice, RAF2, with registered office at C/ Ibiza, PISO 24 MADRID 28009, informs users of the web portal about its personal data protection policy (hereinafter, “Personal Data”) so that the Users determine, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide RAF2 with the Personal Data that may be required or that may be obtained from the Users on the occasion of the subscription or registration in some of the services offered by RAF2 in the Portal or to through the Portal.

RAF2  reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence as well as industry practices.

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, applicable as of May 25, 2018, a rule of direct application throughout the European Union, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to data processing data and the free circulation of these data, RAF2 informs that it is the Responsible for the Treatment of the personal data that the interested party may provide at any time and voluntarily, which will be treated in order to manage the sending of the information that they request. , provide the interested party with offers of products and services of interest and improve their user experience, being able to prepare, if necessary, a commercial profile, based on the information provided and also to update our database of companies and professionals. No automated decisions will be made based on said profile.

The personal data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained, and its deletion is not requested by the interested party, requesting from RAF2 the consent of the interested party for the processing of their data and the prospective offer of products and services.

Personal data will not be transferred to third parties, except to other group companies for internal administrative purposes and the sending of commercial communications that are of interest to the user.

Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Those interested in certain circumstances may also oppose the processing of their data.

You will also have the right to withdraw the consent given and to make a claim before the Control Authority.

To exercise their rights, the interested party must contact the RAF2 Customer Service Department by written communication, at the registered office indicated above, or by email to the address (  )

What kind of information do we collect 

We receive, collect, and store any information you enter on our website or otherwise provide to us. In addition, we collect the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet; login details, email address, password, computer and connection information and purchase history. We may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to navigate away from the page. We also collect personally identifiable information (including names, email, password, communications), payment details (including credit card information), comments, suggestions, product reviews, recommendations, and personal profile.

Why do we collect personal information?

We collect such personal and non-personal information for the following purposes:  


  1. To provide our product catalogs

  2. To provide our users with ongoing customer and technical support; 

  3. To be able to contact our visitors and users with general and personalized notices related to the service and promotional messages;  ​

  4. To comply with applicable laws and regulations.

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